Our Initiatives

As a port operator, we recognize the impact we can have and the contribution we can make towards building a sustainable future for all. We are committed to embrace sustainability and continuously strive to incorporate and implement sustainable practices and initiatives across our business. We believe this creates shared values for our stakeholders.

Clean Operations for Climate Protection

Vessel Traffic Management System (Seaside)
Asset Digitalization (Landside)
Electrification of Terminal Equipment
Installation of Green Infrastructure
Green Boats Initiative through Green Voyage 2050
Water Resource Management
Waste Efficiency Management
Biodiversity Conservation

Highly Trusted Organisation

Risk Management, Ethics and Compliance
Whistle Blower
Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption
Competition Law Compliance
Cybersecurity and Data Protection
Ethical Supply Chain
ISO Certification
Human Rights Policy

Benefits for Business and Society

Human Capital Welfare
Employee Engagement
Learning and Development
Human Rights
Diversity, Inclusion and Gender Equality
Occupational Health and Safety Transformation
Social Impact